How to choose a word instead of New Years resolutions for 2021.
Career Coach fr Moms
How to choose a word instead of New Years resolutions for 2021.
Try this one strategy to help you accept your imperfections or uniqueness and start living a more authentic life.
How to create positivity from missed opportunities. How to create new opportunities and move on from the things that are no longer right for you.
How to make yourself a priority, value your time and what you have to offer the world.
Five of the best books that will change and transform your work life, relationships and mindset.
Strategies to help you show self compassion during this difficult time. For the tired, overwhelmed and stressed out mom.
Are you trying to work from home, homeschool the kids, clean the house and do a million other things? You might think that self-care is out of the question, but check out this list of 10 self-care tips for the busy mom. These self-care ideas can be done in 10 minutes or less.
Feelings/emotions activities to help your toddler or preschooler recognize, express or work through their feelings during this challenging and uncertain time.
In my last post, I talked about how we can use the time in quarantine for personal development. Coincidentally, an article came across my newsfeed about how there is this push to make ourselves a project during this time. While I agree that there has been a push to use this time to improve ourselves, […]
When this  quarantine period started in mid-March, I was lost. This was the first time in nine years that I was unemployed. It was also the first time I was home with my daughter full-time. With no preschool for her and no work for me, it was totally different. I had been wanting a […]